customer research quote

Do you really, really know your customers? 

Do you know why they buy from you and not a competitor?

Do you know how they came to find you in the first place?

Do you know if they think there are projects you are, and aren’t, suitable for?

If the answer isn’t a resounding yes, you could be missing a trick, and be leaving money on the table.

We can help. 

Customer research can be HUGE!

And it's an area where you could sink a lot of budget.

To help, we’ve put together a few options to satisfy varying budget levels, and make sure it’s money well spent.

From a fully bespoke research project, to dipping your toe in the water - we've outlined a few options below.

We've even included a freebie!

Why case studies matter in B2B

Options for any budget.

Select the route which most piques your interest and we’ll get in touch to provide more details.


Toe in the water

£3,500 + VAT

Uncover internally held beliefs and insights about your customers, and see how they live up to the reality by hearing it from their side too.


Deeper dive

£7,250 + VAT

Having uncovered the insights, we identify ways you can communicate better with your customers and provide actionable guidance.


Bespoke project


Using a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods, we'll leave no stone unturned so you fully understand what makes your customers tick.

Or, tackle it inhouse.

In an ideal world, a third party is preferable to undertake market research as it completely removes the potential for bias. But, if you haven’t got the budget right now but you do have the team resource, we’ve created a guide to get you started.

In this ebook we provide a step-by-step process to creating B2B customer personas, so you can start to gather and capture knowledge about your customers before you start trying to engage them.


Why research your customers?

One of the key steps in creating an effective marketing strategy is understanding your company’s different target profiles.

How can you create content that will result in action if you don’t know what the person’s thought process is? And how do you know which channels will deliver the most bang for your buck if you don’t know where your prospects hang out?

To stop your marketing efforts and budget being spent on boringly generic campaigns, you need to understand what prompts your customers to take action.

Want to explore what else customer research can do for your business, we're happy to talk it through, so get in touch.